
At this time, no vaccinations are required by Beverly Hills Design Institute. This policy is subject to rapid change and immediate effect, as dictated by public health authorities or College officials. Students who choose to participate in some specific curricular or co-curricular learning experiences and activities (such as study abroad or exchange programs, internships, mentorships and volunteer opportunities), may be subject to additional vaccination requirements, and failing to comply with those requirements may result in being prohibited from such participation.

All students are advised to review their health history with a licensed health care provider prior to starting at Beverly Hills Design Institute. Students who are coming to Beverly Hills Design Institute from outside the Southern California region are strongly recommended to consult with a health care provider because of the different physical environment and climate that you will be exposed to. Your health care provider can inform you about the health advantages and any possible risks for routine health care such as recommended vaccinations.

For more information about vaccinations, consult the following website: