ESL enrolling students will have their tuition charged as follows:


Enrollment Status Full time
Number of hours per week 20
Tuition per hour $13
Tuition per quarter (11 weeks / 220 hours) $2,860
Estimated total Charge per quarter** $2,960
Quarters per calendar year 4
Tuition per year (880 hours) $11,440
Registration Fee $100
Total Institutional Charge for ESL Program* $11,540
Estimated total Charge ESL Program** $11,940
*This amount does not reflect leaving costs, placement tests, courses retaken or audited, tutoring fees, private lessons, textbooks, tools, materials, noncredit and other extracurricular activity fees.

**This amount reflects Institutional Tuition and Fees Charge and estimated non-institutional textbooks, tools and supplies charges.